Imagine yourself cruising down I-81 South. Through the picturesque mountains of VA. The scenic drive. Maybe you're doing the speed limit (65) for a change. Just taking in the beauty, the wondrous working of God. Thinking not a thing can go wrong, the clouds are hiding behind the sun. You see the breathtaking colors of the autumn leaves, the reds and yellows and still some green. Maybe you're listening to the radio, maybe you're allowing your mind to provide the music for this setting. What a wonderful day. What beauty there is to be enjoyed today. I could do this everyday, I could liv.... Wait a minute. What's that? Why is the traffic stopped? This doesn't look good. This doesn't follow the flawless drive I've been enjoying. JESUS CHRIST!!!!
Then, how you follow that exclamation makes all the difference in the world, here and after.
A walk with God is something to be enjoyed (even if you're driving). How can we know that to enjoy our walk with God, we'd need as much patience as God needs with us? For years I've "California stopped", avoided construction areas, and relied on good directions. Perhaps, on our walk with God, we're supposed to take the long way around. Maybe we're missing something by taking our "alternate" routes. Maybe, the construction sites in our paths are really "soul reconstruction" areas. What if, by taking the short easy was, we're missing the big picture. I think now, that the stop signs, red lights and road construction were placed in my journey for a reason. A giant red flag to make me stop, slow down my hectic pace and just be amazed, once again, at the wonder before me, and, to listen to what God is trying to tell me. Do we need GPS for our journey? It seems to make it easier, faster, smoother. Were things easier, faster and smoother for Paul? As a Christian, are we supposed to live "easier, faster and smoother" lives? Does the Bible promise smooth sailing? Answer: NO. I don't know where I'm going. God does. He's our copilot, could we ask for a better navigator? I think I'll pass on the Tom Tom and follow God through the "soul reconstruction" and areas the business routes with the stop signs and red lights. I believe I'll end up better off in the end. The next time you find yourself stuck in road construction or on a business route, follow your exclamation (Jesus Christ!!!) with, "Son of God, through you, send my prayer. Teach me, allow me to trust and follow you in my daily life. Amen.
Hebrew 11:1 Now faith is being certain of what we hope for and sure of what we do not see.
PS- Perhaps, this isn't what you expected of Right Wing Frosting. Tough, I'll do this on Sundays from now on.
Just had a conversation with my family yesterday about the signs that it is time to slow down and breathe! Your Sunday post was most enjoyed. :-)