He is just the pinnacle of ineptitude. I can't believe she stayed with him. My wife would have hit the road and taken three quarters of everything, and the children. Oh well, some people are just so power hungry that nothing can stand in their way of seeking power. Let's remember that the President who lost the code and blew his... is and still is a democrat. Let's remember that when we can vote against the people he's campaigned for. Let's also remember that even though our current President (that we're aware of) didn't lose the code, or presumably his... (Michelle doesn't count, she is his wife). And let's remember that when we have the opportunity to vote against the morons that actually wanted him to campaign for them. What idiot would want this President to show up to "support" them? He's like a letter in the mail with a powdery white substance inside (with him, most likely cocaine). Let's turn this country upside down on November 2.
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