Anyone ever heard of "Equality for All"? They're 110% crazy. They are PETA cubed. They are, I don't have the words. Well, apparently they believe that we shouldn't "dominate" animals unless you happen to be an animal dominatrix or some crazy BS such as that. They believe that it's OK to have "relations" animals. I wonder if that includes whales (large penises). I wonder if that includes sloths (smaller penises I'd imagine)? I can't believe this group even exists. I find it hard to believe that it's even legal to ponder. I am probably being tracked right now because I visited their website. Well, apparently the men will back off from the "sex with animals" wonderment...
So guys, the next time you're out in the pasture and "Flower" gives you that knowing wink, turn, and walk away.
PS-Yes W.J. I used Flower on purpose.
The right wing extremist (?) blog by a hard working crazy "right wing extremist" (according to DHS) who isn't sure he's on an FBI watch list, but probably will be because of Right Wing Frosting. Have a fantastic day. J-
Friday, November 11, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
No Pain No Cain
The alternative title for this post was Cain is Able? But, perhaps we need reminders of the pain we endured as a nation before we elected the Great Ronaldo. His name was Jimmy Carter (the peanut farmer) This time the pain we are enduring is Obama, and the pain is greater. Whether or not we realize it, the mechanisms he's put into motion have the possibility of destroying our nation from within. Let's elect a Great Hermano. I remember the first time I heard Herman speak. I couldn't help but think, "finally, a clean-cut black man with a decent haircut who doesn't look up to Mao and isn't tied to the Weather Underground". Now with accusation after accusation piling up on his doorstep, I wonder, "is this for real". The first time I heard him speak I had chills running down my leg, oh wait, that was someone else about someone else. Regardless of what I think about Herman Cain, let's look at what other people think of the "Cain Train". He is leading in nearly every poll of probable GOP voters. Ok, they like him too. So why all of the sudden are these women creeping out of the woodwork to defame him? I think they are hoping that he doesn't even remember them and that his mind is bleary enough to slip this by. Where were they when he ran for the Senate in GA twice? Where were they when Herman Cain was only polling 2% or 4%? They didn't exist then, and they are a fraud now, besides, he could just use a Bill line item and say I did not have visions of sex with that woman when I was harassing her. Everyone is looking for their five minutes of fame, some do their best to earn it, others do their best to redistribute someone else's fame. In this day and age, I think the only compliment it is safe to give a woman is: "I don't find you repulsive."
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Obama the marxist hypocrite
I just saw this on Drudge. I love that guy.
MARCH 19, 2011 OBAMA: 'Today we are part of a broad coalition. We are answering the calls of a threatened people. And we are acting in the interests of the United States and the world'... MARCH 19, 2003 BUSH: 'American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger... Is anyone else noticing that The "Chosen One" is not anywhere near the good ole USA while he is "directing" this missilistic onslaught against Libya? At least when Reagan lit up their world he was in the White House. I am growing weary of Obama and his indecisiveness and hope that the "Chosen One" is "Chosen Once". I think anyone who hasn't done so should read the 1948 Declaration of Human Rights which is a UN directing document. It will definitely open your eyes to the injustice done in the world. The injustice done by (at least with regard to indifference) the UN. . PS- If you're an Iranian, leave a comment. It sure would be motivation to post again. |
Cheese Nip,
Iranian women's suffrage,
Jimmy Carter,
Friday, February 11, 2011
Mubarak Obama: Dictators in Chief
Sounds alright doesn't it? I can't believe we just sit around and watch as our entire world is crumbling before us. 32 years ago Jimmy and the Shah couldn't get along so we ended up with Ahmadinejad and the Guard (a good name for heavy metal band). Now we just let Mubarak fall and another "ally" of ours in the middle east is gone. In 32 years we'll have our own Muslim Brotherhood (rap perhaps) thorn in our side. Thanks O. We appreciate it. So do the Saudis (a good name for an ally) (hint hint Mr. Obama), so do the Israelis (an even better name for an ally). Just so Mr. O understands, those last two sentences were intended satirically. I used to think Michael Savage was a right wing extreme nutjob, but I'm starting to think he's our only hope. Between Glenn's preparations for Armeggedon and the Savage Nation preparation for rhetorical (only we hope) war against Islam, I really don't think there should be doubt that most (non-progressive) Americans will be prepared. Thanks Mike, Thanks Glenn. I'm now forcing my wife to can food. Here's the Savage take on the Egypt Crisis. Let us not forget that Hosni was a dictator, but he was our dictator, and the next "president" will not be. Where exactly can we rendite our POWs for fingernail pulling now?
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
The Cooper Debacle...
Anderson Cooper was apparently trying to get an angle no one else considered, the right hook. I don't know about you, but I don't think if my name carried as much weight as Anderson Cooper (I suppose that statement is debatable) I'd have volunteered to (as a white man, a very pale white man) walk among the angry muslims in Egypt. Maybe Mr. Cooper needed to do something to "guarantee" his job with the Communist Nanny Network (CNN). I wonder if he received hazard pay for that imbecilic initiative. It never fails to amaze me the things journalists will do for "the scoop". I have an iota of understanding for war correspondents, they at least have the military (our military) to protect them. AC was depending on the military of a muslim country. Did anyone else watch the video of Mr. Cooper telling his story of being "hit like ten times"? When I was watching it I noticed in a frame or two that he was talking to a blond white woman. I know she was blond because she wasn't wearing a covering. I know she was white because she wasn't wearing a covering. With tempers high, does this make sense? I don't know who the woman was, but she was either incredibly stupid, or she has larger heuvos than our Commander in Chief. Maybe she should run for president. I have a cat named Cooper. I think probably most of the people in Egypt at this point would feel that my cat has less germs than a white elitist CNN reporter. I'll see if he's interested in the gig. So, at what point will we realize that liberal presidents and their liberal cohorts in Congress cause an unimaginable loss of ground in the middle east? Jimmy and the Shah (good name for a band, I'm thinking reggae), Barack and Mubarak (also a good name for something, probably not a band, maybe a musical?), and who knows what's next. Hopefully, we've learned this time and since the middle east is probably going to end up toasted, it won't be a problem in the future.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Recipe for success: Bam! Toss in a little tea.
Now we're cooking with tea. The tea party was a welcomed addition to our national political scene. The party took the frustrations of middle America and put them to words. The pundits on the right love them. The liberals and progressives hate them. The tea party was sent to America by God. There is no other way to look at it. At a time when the progressive socialist backers were pushing us to the edge of a precipice, one girl decided to dump the tea. Don't tread on me became a nationwide motto. The tea party brought on a revolution. The feel good liberal train hasn't stopped yet, but I think they've finally realized that there is no station at which they are welcome to stop. Conservative judges seem to be too far and too few between these days. Do conservatives die earlier than liberals? Someone fund that study. We need to stack the courts with conservative justices and find the fountain of youth. So, the number one, most important, most fulfilling prophesy, the very reform that Obama was elected to enact, the health care reform, was stricken down by a lowly federal judge. Just be patient Americans. The Supreme Court is still a conservative force, and they will uphold. I wish there were a way to play the Uno reverse card on this whole schmack. Slap, reverse, Obama and the "progressives" could have their health care any way they want it. Obama and the Progressives, good name for a band. A blues band.
Check out the tea recipes, they're interesting to say the least. I'm only disappointed with the fact they contain no red meat.
Check out the tea recipes, they're interesting to say the least. I'm only disappointed with the fact they contain no red meat.
Recipe for success: Bam! Toss in a little tea.
Now we're cooking with tea. The tea party was a welcomed addition to our national political scene. The party took the frustrations of middle America and put them to words. The pundits on the right love them. The liberals and progressives hate them. The tea party was sent to America by God. There is no other way to look at it. At a time when the progressive socialist backers were pushing us to the edge of a precipice, one girl decided to dump the tea. Don't tread on me became a nationwide motto. The tea party brought on a revolution. The feel good liberal train hasn't stopped yet, but I think they've finally realized that there is no station at which they are welcome to stop. Conservative judges seem to be too far and too few between these days. Do conservatives die earlier than liberals? Someone fund that study. We need to stack the courts with conservative justices and find the fountain of youth. So, the number one, most important, most fulfilling prophesy, the very reform that Obama was elected to enact, the health care reform, was stricken down by a lowly federal judge. Just be patient Americans. The Supreme Court is still a conservative force, and they will uphold. I wish there were a way to play the Uno reverse card on this whole schmack. Slap, reverse, Obama and the "progressives" could have their health care any way they want it. Obama and the Progressives, good name for a band. A blues band.
Check out the tea recipes, they're interesting to say the least.
Check out the tea recipes, they're interesting to say the least.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
I need you all to reach out, read blogs, write blogs
and prevent problems like the ones facing Egypt. Leave comments on blogs, write letters to your hometown papers and get the word out. Tell the government to stop wagering our future away with foreign loans. I prefer not to have China change the rate on my credit because they don't like me because I don't like communism. For God's sake, if you're reading this blog, leave a comment, I'm starting to feel like I'm writing to myself. If you disagree, please tell me why, if you agree, good for you, you're way ahead of the average liberal. Good luck Israel, we need you.
My wife and I were discussing the repercussions of the "Egypt Issue" today. She doesn't understand why we need to be allied with Israel. I tried to explain, I think adequately, that Israel is the beacon of rational thinking in an irrational region. Israel is the only entity keeping the USA out of war with the middle east as it is. If Iran wasn't worried about ramifications from Israel, don't you think Ahmadinejad or whatever his name is would have started world war three four and five by now? Israel is our arm of reason in the middle east. I'm happy with that. Egypt is allied with Israel. Enough said.
PS- Parents, please do your children a favor and restrict and stifle their creativity. It will do them much better when we become a communist entity.
PPS- My actual thoughts on the entire middle east issue: We take over all of the holy lands and charge admission. This alleviates the conflicts in the Gaza strip and our national deficit all in one. Second thought, Sandbox. My better half says that there's too much history there for the sandbox, I say, "That's why we write history down."
My wife and I were discussing the repercussions of the "Egypt Issue" today. She doesn't understand why we need to be allied with Israel. I tried to explain, I think adequately, that Israel is the beacon of rational thinking in an irrational region. Israel is the only entity keeping the USA out of war with the middle east as it is. If Iran wasn't worried about ramifications from Israel, don't you think Ahmadinejad or whatever his name is would have started world war three four and five by now? Israel is our arm of reason in the middle east. I'm happy with that. Egypt is allied with Israel. Enough said.
PS- Parents, please do your children a favor and restrict and stifle their creativity. It will do them much better when we become a communist entity.
PPS- My actual thoughts on the entire middle east issue: We take over all of the holy lands and charge admission. This alleviates the conflicts in the Gaza strip and our national deficit all in one. Second thought, Sandbox. My better half says that there's too much history there for the sandbox, I say, "That's why we write history down."
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Kucinich the Litigious...
Dennis Kucinich filed a lawsuit against the House Cafeteria. Why was he in the house cafeteria? Right, some imbeciles out there elected him once. So, because there was a non-pitted olive (oh the horror) in this wrap, and he was voraciously partaking, he damaged the enameled billion dollar tooth. I can't imagine what would happen to a politician who was missing a tooth. I wish actually that he lost all of his teeth, then the speeches would at least be amuthing. If I were the owner of the company who was targeted with his litigation, I would have immediately hired a lawyer and filed a countersuit alleging that the honorable Mr. Kucinich was the owner of a faulty tooth, and though my olive may have contained a pit, his tooth wasn't fit for chomping at all, let alone the stray pit. It seems that an olive branch may have been extended to Mr. Kucinich, but nevertheless, his litigation is just another example of our over litigious society. See previous post. How can a defender of our government show everyone how to whine and get rich? Wait, he's a democrat, not a defender of our Constitution, just a defender of the socialist movement we currently call the Obama Administration.
PS- It's interesting that Mr. Kucinich is a vegan. Perhaps if he had a balanced diet of animals and animal products his teeth would have been\be stronger. (Milk is high in calcium Mr. Vegan)
PS- It's interesting that Mr. Kucinich is a vegan. Perhaps if he had a balanced diet of animals and animal products his teeth would have been\be stronger. (Milk is high in calcium Mr. Vegan)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Where will China be?
I suppose they will be exactly at the same place they are now. In a country too small for the billion or so people that live there, in an economy tied to the dreaded dollar, whether they like it or not, in a position to manipulate our economy whether we like it or not, hiding behind a "slatted" iron curtain, not audibly threatening nuclear war, but neither denying the possibility, standing "silently" behind\beside North Korea, and pulling strings as "She" sees fit all over the world. How many of those statements are open for debate? How many of those statements make you feel warm and fuzzy inside? How many of those statements make you want to run to the nearest gun shop and buy up weapons for future self defense? How many of you, regardless of your faith, feel that rounding up dissident "religious zealots" constitutes something you want to see done anywhere? How many of you worry that the most populous country on earth is sinister? I suppose the real question is: How many of the population in the most populous country on earth is sinister? And, are they sinister because they are sinister or because they're afraid not to be? On a side note, in an epiphany related but not to the previous question: How many of us "westerners" are "green" because we're afraid not to be? I say screw the CFs and screw in the Incandescents. I say, Pennsylvania, harvest the coal and gas from our mother earth and stop wallowing in debt. I say free up our national economy and invest in the American people, because we are, have always been, and always will be the most ingenious, intelligent, and hardworking people alive. Just allow us the rewards that, at one time, were reserved for the aforementioned. Stop taking our money for others. Stop taking our money for government programs we don't want. Stop telling us what we can and can't do, and stop trying to protect us from ourselves. We don't want to be China. We want to be the beacon of freedom and prosperity for the world. Oh, and you politicians in the national spotlight, just remember, raising taxes on the richest people in our land is a bad idea. Why would you try to raise taxes on the people who have the most money to figure out how not to pay taxes? And, they also have the most money to leave.
Where will China be?
I suppose they will be exactly at the same place they are now. In a country too small for the billion or so people that live there, in an economy tied to the dreaded dollar, whether they like it or not, in a position to manipulate our economy whether we like it or not, hiding behind a "slatted" iron curtain, not audibly threatening nuclear war, but neither denying the possibility, standing "silently" behind\beside North Korea, and pulling strings as "She" sees fit all over the world. How many of those statements are open for debate? How many of those statements make you feel warm and fuzzy inside? How many of those statements make you want to run to the nearest gun shop and buy up weapons for future self defense? How many of you, regardless of your faith, feel that rounding up dissident "religious zealots" constitutes something you want to see done anywhere? How many of you worry that the most populous country on earth is sinister? I suppose the real question is: How many of the population in the most populous country on earth is sinister? And, are they sinister because they are sinister or because they're afraid not to be? On a side note, in an epiphany related but not to the previous question: How many of us "westerners" are "green" because we're afraid not to be? I say screw the CFs and screw in the Incandescents. I say, Pennsylvania, harvest the coal and gas from our mother earth and stop wallowing in debt. I say free up our national economy and invest in the American people, because we are, have always been, and always will be the most ingenious, intelligent, and hardworking people alive. Just allow us the rewards that, at one time, were reserved for the aforementioned. Stop taking our money for others. Stop taking our money for government programs we don't want. Stop telling us what we can and can't do, and stop trying to protect us from ourselves. We don't want to be China. We want to be the beacon of freedom and prosperity for the world.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The discord in the disillusioned (dis)union?
Alternative title tonight "I'm from Mars, I married a Venetian, and I still understand her better than liberals"
I was belittled and berated by a fellow conservative yesterday. Wait, two fellow conservatives yesterday. Wait, not actually belittled and berated, more accurately browbeaten and beleaguered. It seems I have neglected my duties as a conservative beacon in this seemingly liberal country. I'm sorry. To conservative one, I apologize, I suppose it must be the hardware in my body slowing me down and making me lazy, to conservative number two: I apologize, you're still a best friend, and don't worry too much, I'm still overly conservative. I'll finish this after the two conservatives in training are sleeping =).
Alright, one son, one daughter, two dreamlands.
I'm not sure where I'm going tonight and how I'll get there, or really, where it'll end. Guns, violence, Russia, terrorists, liberals, China, Muslims, EPA, US Marshals, more Guns, metal illness, enemy combatants, submarines, air force... the list goes on.
What really amazes me is that people seem to think that things are really bad "these days" and were blissful in the years past. Doesn't anyone remember mutually assured destruction during the cold war? No one can remember the Bay of Pigs? Things have never been perfect and never will be. If we've learned anything from history, let's remember something. If we've learned nothing from history, let us die. Barbarians. Nice word? Like "barbarians"? I doubt you do. Where are barbarians from? A: The Barbary Coast (N. Africa, MUSLIM) Look it up. So, barbarians have always been problems? A: Yes, look it up. Why would we figure that Islam would let us be now? A: Liberals made us. Russia. There are some things I admire about Russians. One, their ability to drink vodka. Other than a few college girls I knew, they are unparalleled. Second, other than the USA, they don't take BS very well. Or, do they? I seem to recall some tragedy revolving around Beslan. However disgusting and disheartening we feel about this horrendous act, the Russians dealt with it like men. They used tanks and grenades and guns and killed. Unfortunately they killed innocents too. Now, just the other day, the terrorist attack at the airport. What is the payback for this? I'm worried, and I feel, with just cause. We know that thanks to our "leader" (used loosely) the Russians have oodles more nukes than us. They seem to have little respect for Muslims, or religious people in general, or at least some (Putin and his ilk) seem to. How long, how many more attacks, what pushes the Russians (Putin et al.) over the NUKLer brink? Just a concern that crosses my mind. When that happens, if it happens (Putin et al, makes a when) what will China be up to?
I was belittled and berated by a fellow conservative yesterday. Wait, two fellow conservatives yesterday. Wait, not actually belittled and berated, more accurately browbeaten and beleaguered. It seems I have neglected my duties as a conservative beacon in this seemingly liberal country. I'm sorry. To conservative one, I apologize, I suppose it must be the hardware in my body slowing me down and making me lazy, to conservative number two: I apologize, you're still a best friend, and don't worry too much, I'm still overly conservative. I'll finish this after the two conservatives in training are sleeping =).
Alright, one son, one daughter, two dreamlands.
I'm not sure where I'm going tonight and how I'll get there, or really, where it'll end. Guns, violence, Russia, terrorists, liberals, China, Muslims, EPA, US Marshals, more Guns, metal illness, enemy combatants, submarines, air force... the list goes on.
What really amazes me is that people seem to think that things are really bad "these days" and were blissful in the years past. Doesn't anyone remember mutually assured destruction during the cold war? No one can remember the Bay of Pigs? Things have never been perfect and never will be. If we've learned anything from history, let's remember something. If we've learned nothing from history, let us die. Barbarians. Nice word? Like "barbarians"? I doubt you do. Where are barbarians from? A: The Barbary Coast (N. Africa, MUSLIM) Look it up. So, barbarians have always been problems? A: Yes, look it up. Why would we figure that Islam would let us be now? A: Liberals made us. Russia. There are some things I admire about Russians. One, their ability to drink vodka. Other than a few college girls I knew, they are unparalleled. Second, other than the USA, they don't take BS very well. Or, do they? I seem to recall some tragedy revolving around Beslan. However disgusting and disheartening we feel about this horrendous act, the Russians dealt with it like men. They used tanks and grenades and guns and killed. Unfortunately they killed innocents too. Now, just the other day, the terrorist attack at the airport. What is the payback for this? I'm worried, and I feel, with just cause. We know that thanks to our "leader" (used loosely) the Russians have oodles more nukes than us. They seem to have little respect for Muslims, or religious people in general, or at least some (Putin and his ilk) seem to. How long, how many more attacks, what pushes the Russians (Putin et al.) over the NUKLer brink? Just a concern that crosses my mind. When that happens, if it happens (Putin et al, makes a when) what will China be up to?
air force,
Cheese Nip,
enemy combatants,
metal illness,
more Guns,
US Marshals,
The discord in the disillusioned union?
I was belittled and berated by a fellow conservative yesterday. Wait, two fellow conservatives yesterday. Wait, not actually belittled and berated, more accurately browbeaten and beleaguered. It seems I have neglected my duties as a conservative beacon in this seemingly liberal country. I'm sorry. To conservative one, I apologize, I suppose it must be the hardware in my body slowing me down and making me lazy, to conservative number two: I apologize, you're still a best friend, and don't worry too much, I'm still overly conservative. I'll finish this after the two conservatives in training are sleeping =).
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